Why Decluttering is Different From Minimalism
We keep hearing the terms, minimalism, decluttering, and simple living. What does it all actually mean? How can knowing the difference between decluttering and minimalism actually change your life?
Everyone has slightly different interpretations of what these two terms are, probably because they are so closely related.
Minimalism focuses more on reducing the number of material items you own down to the bare essentials for living.
This removal of all excess will leave you nothing left to fuss about and in return you receive harmonious peace in your life.
Some people have gone as far to to having a single cup, plate, fork, knife and just wash after every use. Some people have moved out of their single family homes to downsize to a studio apartment.
Decluttering, on the other hand, is a way to easily keep your home cleaned and maintained by means of decluttering unnecessary items.
The less you have in your home the easier it is to clean which in return will give you more time to focus on other things you would rather be doing.
A decluttered home can be very different from a minimalist home.
Decluttered houses more or less look like lived in homes, pictures on the walls, a house filled with furniture, and much more material items.
Decluttered homes pride themselves on only keeping the most important items that spark joy and that all of these items kept in the home have a place of their own.
Most people associate one with the other and extreme minimalist living is not for everyone; although what a liberating experience if you want to try it!
Since most people do not want to embrace a minimalist lifestyle they immediately throw the idea of decluttering out the window, but why?
Probably because they think they are the same thing when in reality they really aren’t.
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This lifestyle will reward these people with enough time to pursue their hobbies, their goals, and have the time to try all of the experiences they are looking to try.
Expect an overabundance of time rewarded back to you from this lifestyle.
With a small wardrobe, only one load of laundry a week.
With a few dishes, only a quick wash after every use.
With a small place to live, only a few minutes to clean up.
By performing daily maintenance of a decluttering home, you will find yourself carving out a little more time every day to enjoy other things such as reading a book or enjoying your coffee.
Expect some time rewarded back to you from this lifestyle.
You have created a well functioning home. Everything has a place so cleaning becomes faster and less tedious.
You spend less time looking for things and this lifestyle can help keep you and your family organized.
You can keep a clear mind and hone in on other subjects of interest easier than someone who is distracted by their long list of to do’s.
Minimalism is best described as a continuous state of meditation.
There are little to no physical and visual distractions in your world.
This leaves you with more mental stability.
As your mind begins to feel overwhelmed the simple act of decluttering can help lift that weight off your mind.
Decluttering is an ongoing process.
You never stop decluttering, and because of this every time you make your decluttering rounds you awaken your mental being.
The liberating process of removing material items that do not provide you comfort or happiness, in return provide you with comfort and happiness.
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Minimalism will help you spend less money on your clothing, your home, your decor, your necessity items, etc.
Since minimalists do not spend their money on possessions they often spend it more on experiences, which can be just as costly as someone who is addicted to buying home decor or new clothes every week.
The idea of decluttering translates into an extreme life organization.
Typically people looking for a more controlled structured lifestyle also tends to focus on other areas of their life, such as finances.
Since people who declutter now realize the importance of what stays in their home, they are less likely to buy new items to fill their home up with more clutter.
They become a little more aware of their spending and can easily stick to a more detailed financial plan.
Everyone is searching for a new way to improve their lives.
Life’s circumstances can very easily get in the way of making changes to improve your situation.
Maybe you cannot afford a new home, maybe you cannot get ahead in your career, maybe you haven’t found someone to spend your life with.
Many of these types of things are not in our direct control and that can make you feel defeated and stuck in place.
Simply embracing a life of minimalism can be exactly what you’ve been searching for this entire time.
You will have a clean home and more time to spend on schooling to further your career. You will spend less money on decorative items for your home and can start saving that money to buy that home.
That is why so many people adopt a minimalist lifestyle or learn how to declutter their homes.
This is one thing that you are 100 percent in control of, even when everything else feels out of control in your world.
Now that you know the differences between minimalism and decluttering make the change you know you need, the benefits are worth it!
4 thoughts on “Why Decluttering is Different From Minimalism”
My son and daughter-in-law are minimalist they believe everyone should be as well. We believe decluttering is for my husband and myself not minimalism. This is very difficult!!
Hi Natalie!
I completely get it. Minimalism and decluttering really are very different. The only thing we can do is actually what we want to do 🙂 If that’s just decluttering through your items a few times a year then great!
I tend to organize on a monthly schedule, after grocery shopping. I do however declutter my closets. Except the one full of toilet tissue. In our golden yrs now, I have less yard sales and donate more. We travel very little and raise farm animals. I guess we pretty much are preppers. The less I go to town the better I like it. I tend to buy a new pkg of socks, and trash old ones as I get out a new pair. Great advice here for all of us on this site. Glad I joined up.
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